The Kah Kia Kiwi

Kah Kias also got blog one ok

On what NOT to wear to work

If you’re clumsy, scatterbrained, and completely clueless like me, always wear clothes that are firmly attached to your person at all times. Wear only items that cannot be detached from your person except by a complicated series of maneoveures or by some violent ripping.

I was wearing this very nice silk long blouse over my black pants, and it goes with a nice long ribbon that I have to wind around my waist, and knot it in a little ribbon at the side. A very lovely blouse, and a very lovely ribbon to match, and it made me feel extra confident on this fine fateful day.

I was standing in the lift lobby, smiling at two colleagues whom I do not know. They were smiling back expectantly at me. “Perhaps they want to start a conversation?” I thought. People who were here often strike up random small talk in the lift lobby or in the lift.

“Excuse me, would that happen to be your belt? I think it fell off while you were walking out.”

Uh. Indeed it was. I was standing at the lift lobby, looking really stupid, with my blouse flaring unflattering outwards, and my belt was lying on the floor 3 metres behind me.

Like, shitto.

May 17, 2008 - Posted by | ORL

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